Our lighting experts at Intertek Hong Kong provide you with a diverse range of electrical safety, performance testing and certification services that help you differentiate your products among your competitors
As a manufacturer of lighting products, you know that a competitive business environment has made safety and performance a big concern for your buyers and, consequently, for your products.
As such, our lighting experts at Intertek Hong Kong provide you with a diverse range of electrical safety, performance testing and certification services that help you differentiate your products among your competitors.
Intertek Hong Kong - Lighting the way through the opening of the LED Technology Centre
The inception of the Intertek Hong Kong LED Technology Centre, which houses the most comprehensive commercial LED testing facilities in Asia, signifies a new chapter of its leading position in the testing, inspection and certification industry in the territory. On the back of its over 40 years of service excellence, Intertek Hong Kong prides itself as the only fully equipped testing centre offering a total solution in the LED supply chain, providing customers as much convenience as assurance.
Intertek Hong Kong has stayed at the forefront ever since the first full LED testing centre was set up in 2010. It was at the time thanks to the availability of the new equipment which made photometry and luminaries testing possible. Two years later, the company further introduced LED chips and modules reliability tests, strengthening its solutions for different stages – including component and end product testing - of the LED supply chain.
The latest development of the new LED Technology Centre, meanwhile, has involved the addition of some of the most technologically advanced devices for LED light sources reliability and lumen maintenance testing. Together with the existing Type C Goniophotometer and the Integrating Sphere-Spectrometer System, the company comes with the capacity to offer a complete solution on LED testing under one roof.
For manufacturers and traders, the cutting edge equipment means greater efficiency whenever there is a need to meet the prevailing standards set out by authorities in many overseas economies. For the end users of LED illumination, meanwhile, a product that has gone through the testing and certification processes added confidence on the product’s safety, energy efficiency and other areas that may be of concern.
Intertek Hong Kong has stayed in the heart of the development of the LED technology. Its professional team of staff members comes equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the prevailing standards employed worldwide as well as the voluntary certification scheme in Hong Kong. The total solution provider is also very supportive of the comprehensive testing scheme and is in the midst of working with major stakeholders of the industry.
Some of the products our testing & certification services cover are as follows:
- Horticultural Lighting
- Emergency Lighting
- Radio Frequency Lighting
- Decorative LED Lighting Strings
- Street Lights
- LED Replacement Lamps
- LED Fixtures
- Halogen Lamp
- CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp)
- Fixed Lamp
- Portable Lamp
- Signal Lamp
- Energy Saving Lamp
- And many more
HKEIA LED Lighting Product Certification Scheme
Under the Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association (HKEIA) LED Lighting Product Certification Scheme (PCS-LED-LP Scheme), HKEIA recognizes Certification Bodies (LEDCBs) that are accredited by Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) or its MultiLateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) partners in accordance with the Scheme, ISO/IEC 17065 and the corresponding IAF Guidance to perform certification of LED Lighting Products. Intertek Hong Kong was recognized as a Certificaiton Body by HKEIA.
The purpose of the Product Certification Scheme for LED Lighting Products (PCS-LED-LP) is to ensure all LED (Light Emitting Diode) Lighting Products produced by Lighting Manufacturers of the Supplier meet the requirements specified in this Scheme, in the area of safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and performance.