Intertek Hong Kong is an accredited Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) for US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide product certification service for Unlicensed Radio Frequency Devices to be used and sold in the United States of America market.
On December 17, 1998, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted rules for the establishment of Telecommunication Certification Bodies (TCB). A TCB is a private third party organization, which is authorized to issue grants, within its scope of designation, for equipment subject to the FCC’s certification procedure. Under these rules, a TCB has the authority to review and grant an application for certification to the FCC rules. The rules also established procedures for foreign TCBs under the terms of a government-to-government Mutual Recognition Agreement/Arrangement (MRA).
Intertek Hong Kong’s TCB Scope of Accreditation
Scope A – Unlicensed Radio Frequency Devices (Parts 11, 15 and 18)
A1 - Low power transmitters operating on frequencies below 1 GHz (with the exception of spread spectrum devices), emergency alert systems, unintentional radiators (e.g., personal computers and associated peripherals and TV Interface Devices) and consumer ISM devices subject to certification (e.g., microwave ovens, RF lighting and other consumer ISM devices)
A2 - Low power transmitters operating on frequencies above 1 GHz, with the exception of spread spectrum devices
A3 - Unlicensed Personal Communication Service (PCS) Devices
A4 - Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (UNII) devices and low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniques
For the related testing and certification services of the US Federal Communications Commission Telecommunication Certification Body Program, starting from June 2010, please download the forms below links and submit the completed applications to our office.
Required Information for TCB Certification Application:
- FCC Registration Number (FRN)
- FCC Grantee Code
- TCB Application Form
- Cover Letter (if applicable)
- FCC ID Label and Location Information
- External Photos of Equipment
- Internal Photos of Equipment
- Test Setup Photos
- Operational Description
- Block Diagrams
- Schematics
- Test Report
- Users Manual
- Tune-up Procedure (if applicable)
- Parts List (if applicable)
- RF Exposure Information (if applicable)
- Attestation Letter (if any)