Toys safety in Brazilian market is regulated according to the Ordinance 321 and 369 as laid down from INMETRO (The National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality of Brazil). Any toy manufactured or imported to Brazil shall fulfill the testing requirements per ABNT NBR NM 300 and phthalate requirement by ABNT NBR 16040. All relevant testing and certification process shall be carried out in laboratory and Certification Body which are accredited by The General Coordination of Accreditation of INMETRO (Cgcre).
The following tests should be done under Brazil Mandatory Certification Program:
Intertek acquired the accreditation from The General Coordination of Accreditation of INMETRO (Cgcre) and UKAS, and is able to perform recognized testing on a wide range of certification programs. By working with us, you will no longer need to concern about the complicated process or worry about delays in testing or certification upon product arrival in Brazil.
Our capabilities under Brazilian Mandatory Certification Programs:
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